Breckenridge welcome center, breckenridge, colorado
dredgeboat mining diorama

In this diorama KRESEK ART STUDIO used a cut away affect to show how a dredge boat scours the bottom of the lake for precious metals. Liquid plastic was used on an acrylic sheet to suggest water and hand made many parts of the boat, such as the hardware on the rigging, from polymer clay.

KRESEK ART STUDIO constructed the planking panels, doors, stairs and window frames from balsa wood and used distressing techniques with paint to make it look weathered. The figures are modified miniature railroad workers - arms and legs cut and repositioned and hats and accessories made from polymer clay and all repainted with 19th century clothing details and colors.
cave walls for mining exhibition

The Roybal Corporation, designers of the Breckenridge Welcome Center, constructed a space to replicate the interior of a cave to house a video presentation on mining history - KRESEK ART STUDIO fabricated the texture on the walls and ceiling.

KRESEK ART STUDIO used foam and acrylic products to create the illusion of cave walls with veins of silver in them.
settler costumes

Many areas in the Breckenridge Welcome Center are interactive. KRESEK ART STUDIO constructed costumes for patrons to try on, first researching fabric and styles of clothing that the early settlers would have used and then sewing them to appear authentic but were sized to fit on over clothing and contained Velcro closures for easy on and off.